Career Resources

Resources for Starting a Career in Sustainability

Our state needs sustainability professionals to help develop and implement local solutions. We encourage you to use IU Indianapolis Sustainability as a resource for your entry into the workforce. Our office has developed partnerships with organizations and relationships with sustainability professionals that may aid you in getting your foot in the door. Often you'll hear, landing a job is all about who you know. Don't wait till you graduate - come get to know us! 

Are you looking for a job?

Search In-State

Start your search for state and regional job opportunities by joining the Indiana Sustainability Jobs Facebook group, a space dedicated for crowdsourcing employment opportunities that will keep sustainability-minded talent in the state. 

Visit Indiana Sustainability Jobs

Then join the Indiana Sustainability Development Network LinkedIn group, a place to connect with sustainability professionals working in Indiana, where members frequently share ideas and events, interesting developments, job openings and internships, and network with others in the field.

Visit Indiana Sustainability Development Network

Gain new skills through certifications

Professional certifications are more than just resume builders - they can help you gain new skills and expertise in a field where you may not already have experience. There are many sustainability professional certifications to choose from, so start by considering what gaps exist between your current skillset and the skills required for the job you're gunning for. The following list was compiled by Trish Kenlon from Sustainable Career Pathways

The International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP)

The Association of Climate Change Officers (ACCO)

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC)’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

LEED is the most well-known and prolific green building certification system in the U.S.  Buildings that are LEED certified have been designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance in energy efficiency, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reductions, improved indoor air quality, and stewardship of resources. 

  • LEED Green Associate is for those newer to sustainability and LEED
  • LEED AP with specialty is for individuals actively working on green building and LEED projects and who wish to demonstrate expertise with a specific LEED rating system 

Green Building Initiative’s Green Globes Certification

Green Globes is a comprehensive, science-based building rating system that supports a wide range of new construction and existing building project types.  Green Globes buildings are energy-efficient, healthy, and environmentally sustainable. 

International Living Future Institute (ILFI)’s Living Building Challenge

The Living Building Challenge has been described as the world’s most rigorous green building and sustainable design certification standard.  Living Buildings strive for net-zero or net-positive energy and are free of toxic chemicals.    

International WELL Building Institute’s WELL Building Standard

The WELL Building Standard is a roadmap for creating and certifying spaces that advance human health and well-being across 10 core concepts. WELL works at any scale, from a single interior space to an entire organization. 

The Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)

The AEE offers dozens of certifications around energy management, sustainable development, and utility services for the commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, energy services, and utility sectors. 

Stay in the Know

Learn about internship and job openings, latest news, research, events and more, by signing up for newsletters! Take a look at the local, regional and national newsletters we find most valuable.

IUPUI Sustainability Career Webinars

We have hosted educational webinars that may aid your professional development and entry into the workforce. To view all our webinar recordings and videos, check out the IU Indianapolis Sustainability YouTube Channel.