Air + Emissions

Mitigating IU Indianapolis's greenhouse gas emissions

IU's Climate Action Plan committed all campuses, including IU Indianapolis, to scope 1 and 2 carbon neutrality by 2040.

IU Indianapolis Sustainability conducts an annual greehouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment of the university's footprint.  This analysis includes complete emissions from Scope 1 and 2, as well as data that is readily available from Scope 3.

Types of carbon emissions

Scope 1

Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by IU Indianapolis.  Emission sources in this category include fuel burned by campus vehicles, fertilizer used on our grounds, emissions from animals, and natural gas distribution.

Scope 2

Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from sources that are owned or controlled by IU Indianapolis. Emissions sources in this category include purchased electricity, chilled water and steam.

Scope 3

Scope 3 emissions are from sources not owned or directly controlled by IU Indianapolis, but related to campus activities.  Emission sources in this category include fuel burned by those commuting to campus, all types of university business travel, purchased items, and emissions from contracted waste disposal and wastewater treatment.