Student Organizations

Get involved in campus sustainability

Whether it's food, pollinators, environmental science, animals, hiking, or policy... IU Indianapolis has plenty of opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to get involved in sustainability on campus through student organizations. 

Take a leap and get involved with one of IU Indianapolis's sustainability-themed student organizations. You'll make life-long friends, become a leader and leave a lasting legacy on our campus. 

Student Sustainability Council

IU Indianapolis's student voice for sustainability

Connect with the SSC on Facebook and Instagram  |  #JagsGoGreen

Join SSC

Students Against Animal Cruelty

Educates students about animal welfare

Connect with SAAC on Facebook and Instagram


Urban Beekeepers @ IU Indianapolis

Promotes bees and pollinators, maintains the campus beehives

Connect with Urban Beekeepers on Instagram and Twitter

Join Urban Beekeepers

Biology Club

For those interested in biology and science

Connect with the Biology Club on Facebook and Instagram

Join the Biology Club

Cycling Club

Working to promote bicycling in Indianapolis

Connect with the Cycling Club on Instagram

Join the Cycling Club

Earth Science Club

For nature appreciation and involvement in the earth science community

Connect with the Earth Science Club on Facebook

Join the Earth Science Club

Environmental Law Society

For those interested in pursuing a career in environmental law

Connect with the Environmental Law Society on Facebook

Join ELS

Recreational Hiking

Provides opportunities to connect with nature through hiking

Connect with Recreational Hiking on Facebook

Join Rec Hiking

Energy Club

Educates about alternative and renewable energy; research opportunities benefiting campus

Connect with the Energy Club on Facebook

Join Energy Club

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating + Air Conditioning Engineers @ IU Indianapolis

Advances the science of HVAC and refrigeration for the benefit of the public

Connect with ASHRAE IU Indianapolis on Facebook

Join ASHRAE IU Indianapolis

Good Without God: A Secular Humanist Group @ IU Indianapolis

Promotes equality, scientific inquiry, sustainable living, and separation of church and state

Connect with Good Without God on Facebook

Join Good Without God