
Together we can all sustain IU Indianapolis

Your participation in our work is vital to the campus' success. A truly sustainable IU Indianapolis can only be achieved through the collaboration and team work of every student, faculty, and staff member.

We are committed to engaging the IU Indianapolis campus and Indianapolis community in sustainability work. This can be seen in almost everything we do - whether we're helping students succeed in the classroom, supporting faculty and staff advocate for themselves, or assisting community organizations with sustainability projects.

We invite you to take ownership of creating a sustainable world in any form that may take - and there are many, as you'll see below!


These are just a few ideas to help you start thinking about how your actions can help impact sustainability efforts on the campus, in the classroom, and throughout the community:

IU Indianapolis Sustainability has been an incredible leader on sustainability and resiliency in the Indianapolis community. Their partnerships with the City of Indianapolis, Keep Indianapolis Beautiful, the Indiana Recycling Coalition, and more, provide rewarding opportunities for engagement for students, faculty and staff.

Amy Conrad Warner, Vice Chancellor for Community Engagement